I was super intrigued by your concepts in this article. I love the idea of changing how we identify the members of law firm. I am excited to continue to learn and grow with this next chapter of the legal industry. AI is here, how we respond to it will affect the level of success of our firms.

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Great insights Jordan (as usual), it's Gen Z's time to dictate the future of work and your breakdown of Core and Ancillary would be very appealing given its flexibility and a break away from counting down your life in 6 minute units. As always, if you don't deal with these issues, they will deal with you (as the saying goes). Interesting times dead ahead! More please Jordan on how you see this developing and thanks so much for the post.

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Hey hey - nice article.

This is actually something I have already tried to explain myself in my own way a few months ago: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/marcomendola_mm3legal-marcomcfly-bebravetakeittothenextlevel-activity-6962704628748541952-csT5?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop.

I really believe in the circle model vs the old pyramidal one.

Well done promoting this message folks!


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